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Monday Memo May 4, 2020


Hey Valley!

Today is May 4th or as some commemorate it, Star Wars day. My family and I enjoy watching the films we have more than a few one-liners we can quote. Among them is the phrase "Be mindful of your thoughts." This is an admonition to "think about what you are thinking about" and is an echo of this weekend's message to "Safeguard your mind with the Savior." If you want to replay the service on the helmet of salvation, you can find it here. In it, we talked about how Satan conspires to get believers to doubt their salvation and to get those who are not believers to presume it. If either of those ideas has you wrestling with where you are with God, I would love to connect with you. You can simply email me and we can arrange a way to do so. 

I also wanted to share the "Is He Worthy" video link directly with you. It is a powerful proclamation of how Jesus is worthy of praise!

Now some have been asking about Valley's plans for gathering again. I want to let you know the elders are working on a timeline and sorting through what is required. As those plans become clearer we will keep you updated through email, the website, and social media.

Thank you all for your patience, your prayer, and your care during these unusual months. I know there are many things outside of our control yet God is in control and as I watch God's people trust him and love one another I am so encouraged and hopeful! 

Loving People Toward Jesus,

Pastor Mike

Valley Reading Plan

May 4- Deut 4-5 & John 21

May 5- Deut 6 & Acts 1

May 6- Deut 7-8 & Acts 2

May 7- Deut 9-10 & Acts 3

May 8- Deut 11-12 & Acts 4

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