Hey Valley! I am so thankful we have the ability to connect online and I so missed seeing you these past two weeks. Hopefully you tuned in and got to hear Andrew this past weekend preach about what the church is and what the church is not. If you want to watch again you can find the message here and the sermon notes here. This month there are some great things happening as we prepare to celebrate Jesus's birth. First, there are now Advent Candle kits available at Valley for a suggested donation of $5. Our most recent podcast explains this tradition and how it can add meaning to this Christmas season. My family also made a short video on the Candle of Hope. Connect with the church office by email or phone (360)425-1061 to arrange to pick up a set. Also, yesterday we kicked off the 2020 week of prayer for International Missions. Day two has us praying specifically for a radio ministry in Zagreb, Croatia. This link will take you to an informational page on how you can be praying. For starters you can
PRAY that more national partners will choose to be a part of sharing the gospel across Croatia.
PRAY that more church plants will result from the radio broadcast ministry.
Each day this week I will send out a new missions prayer request... thank you for joining us as we pray for God to change the world! Finally, we are back to our three in-person services and will continue to live-stream this weekend. For those who can make it I look forward to seeing you soon!
Loving People Toward Jesus,
Pastor Mike
Valley Reading Plan Nov 30: Neh 12–13 & Jude
Dec 1: Esther 1 & Rev 1
Dec 2: Esther 2–3 & Rev 2
Dec 3: Esther 4–5 & Rev 3
Dec 4: Esther 6–7 & Rev 4
Valley Memory Verses But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9