Hey Valley! I hope you are able to stay inside with the air quality being so bad. If you find yourself in need of anything, Valley is here to help. You can email or call the office at office@vcflongview.org & (360) 425-1061.
This past weekend we considered gentleness as a part of the Fruit of the Spirit. If you want to check it out you can do so here and find the outline here. As part of the message, we spoke about being prepared to gently give a defense for the hope we have. This preparation means we know what we believe and why we believe it. I am excited to share with you our next series is going to cover the first endeavor and as promised here is a list of some resources to answer the second.
There are many other great resources also. If you have a good one I would love to hear about it.
On the horizon there are a few priorities to be aware of
The window to suggest Elders or Deacons is closing this week. If you have a suggestion you can start the process by replying to this post.
Our Titus 2 Women's Ministry had an informational gathering yesterday. I am so encouraged by these incredible women who are preparing to serve others in the church. Please be in prayer for this team as they continue to prepare and plan.
The training for Child Evangelism Fellowship is quickly approaching (Sept 26). If you intend to participate can you click here?
Loving People Toward Jesus,
Pastor Mike
Valley Reading Plan Sep 14: 2 King 13–14 & 1 Thess 1
Sep 15: 2 King 15–16 & 1 Thess 2
Sep 16: 2 King 17–18 & 1 Thess 3
Sep 17: 2 King 19 & 1 Thess 4
Sep 18: 2 King 20–21 & 1 Thess 5
Valley Memory Verses But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15