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Tuesday Memo, May 26, 2020

Hey Valley! I hope you had a good day of remembrance yesterday as many were off to observe Memorial Day. It certainly is a day to remember those who have sacrificed for us and how much we have to be thankful for. I also hope you enjoyed this weekend and the beginning of a new series, "Pray Like This." It was wonderful to have so many show up for our drive in services on both Saturday and Sunday. You can re-watch that service right here, the message is on how we pray to God as Father. For this weekend, we are going to have drive-in services again, 6pm Saturday and 11am Sunday (still working on a if we will have a Spanish service). This will be a totally live service that will stream on Facebook. While we hope to see you there, we understand each family will make the choice that its best for them and see this as an opportunity to show one another grace. Additionally, because we are in Phase 2, one of the ways you can choose to worship is with another family as we outlined in our Reopening Plan. If you want to look at that again, you can find it here. While we cannot all gather together, how amazing would it be to invite another family over and worship together during the live stream? As always, if you have any needs or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else on our leadership team. 

Loving People Toward Jesus,

Pastor Mike

Valley Reading Plan May 25, Deut. 31-32 & Acts 15 May 26, Deut. 33-34 & Acts 16 May 27, Josh 1 & Acts 17 May 28, Josh 2-3 & Acts 18 May 29, Josh 4-5 & Acts 19

Valley Memory Verse Matthew 6:9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name."

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