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3/16/20 Monday Memo - Valley Covid 19 Update

Andrew Nguyen

Hey Valley!

I miss you! Seriously, not seeing everyone this past weekend was hard. There is such joy in the gathering of the saints and to not be together in worship is a strange feeling. Unfortunately, this is going to be the way life works for a short while. The elders of Valley have decided to take the next 3 weeks and only do online services. This means all events have been canceled. This includes Youth and Kids Ministry, Lifegroups, Keenagers, and Grief Share as well as any other gathering.

I recognize this is a bummer for everyone, but we believe this is the wisest choice to be part of the solution limiting the spread of Covid-19. As you can read in the articles below, this is actually more dangerous than the flu and so taking these precautions will help us stop the spread and move toward health more quickly. In essence, we are attempting to love our neighbors.

Here are some articles that may be helpful (the first is a shorter summary followed by longer and more technical articles).

During the difficult season, Valley staff, deacons, and elders are here for you. If you need anything you can email the office ( or text our Valley Connect number at (360)261-2734. We will respond as soon as possible.

Additionally, our services will be streaming live at 6 pm Saturdays and 11 am Sundays along with a Spanish translation at 9 am on Sundays. You can find the stream at and you can find the messages on YouTube here. (This past weekend's will but up later today.)  If you want a DVD simply email or text the contact info below and we will get you one early in the week.

As for Kids and Youth ministries, Andrew a creative team have been working on some videos that families can use in their homes. He is putting the final touches on the first set but I am so excited about what his team has created. It is going to be a great tool for anyone who wants to practice discipleship in their homes.

While we are not meeting our church will be relying on digital giving and any tithes or offerings mailed in. You can participate digitally by going here or by sending a check to: Valley Christian Fellowship 2911 Pacific Way Longview, WA 98632

Finally, I am going to include the prayer points from this weekend's message. We are part of an affiliation that 47,500 other churches belong to and all have been asked to pray specifically for the following requests. I want to encourage you to daily take time and pray over these requests.

1. Ask God, in His mercy, to stop this pandemic and save lives -- not only in our communities but around the world, particularly in places that are unequipped medically to deal with the virus. (Isaiah 59:1-2)

2. Pray for President Donald Trump and other government leaders -- international, federal, state, and local -- to have the wisdom to direct us in the best courses of action for prevention and care. (Romans 13:1–4)

3. Scripture says: Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts. Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom in this moment of fear as the foundations of what we know are shaken, that others would realize how fragile life is and how real eternity is, and they would see their need to turn to God. (Psalm 90:12)

4. Ask God to protect our missionaries and their families around the globe, using this global crisis to advance His Good News to the whole world. (Mark 16:15)

Loving People Toward Jesus,

Pastor Mike

Valley Reading Plan

March 16, Lev 4-5 & Luke 10

March 17, Lev 6-7 & Luke 11

March 18, Lev 8-9 & Luke 12

March 19, Lev 10 & Luke 13

March 20, Lev 11-12 & Luke 14

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