Hey Valley!
It was a joy to see so many of you tune in this past weekend to our live-stream where we talked about how the gospel brings us peace and we are to "Lace-up and speak up" about this peace we have. We even spoke about a tool to help you connect with your neighbors during the COVID-19 isolation. You can watch the service and hear about the tool here.
The tool is a simple postcard you can mail to your neighbors or just put on their front porch. (We may even have door hangers coming). If you want access to the postcards, there are 3 ways to get it.
You can download it here and print it on your own
You can request we mail some to you (just respond to this email)
You can arrange to have them dropped off or you can pick them up (also, just respond to this email)
Also, I wanted to let you know we are doing casual zoom gatherings on Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons but beyond that, both Andrew and I are able to host a zoom meeting to just connect throughout the week. If you want to talk and share a time of prayer let us know and we would love to set something up.
Loving People Toward Jesus,
Pastor Mike
Valley Reading Plan
April 20, Numbers 22-23 & John 11
April 21, Numbers 24-25 & John 12
April 22, Numbers 26-27 & John 13
April 23, Numbers 28 & John 14
April 24, Numbers 29-30 & John 15