Hey Valley!
Even during our isolation, there is so much happening at Valley and I am going to do my best to catch you up to speed with this week's Monday Memo.
First of all, don't forget to take up the shield of faith to extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy. We saw yesterday he is aiming right for you with his A.R.R.O.W.S.
Resistance of the world
Relational conflict
Other gospels
Worldly temptations
Sickness and tragedy.
We also saw how to hold the shield of faith while these arrows fly. If you want to catch the service again you can find it here and sermon notes here. This next weekend we are looking at the helmet of salvation and I am so excited about what we have planned!
Speaking of planning, as we watch our national and local leaders make decisions regarding social restrictions, at Valley we want to be ready to minister and gather. Part of being ready means knowing what you are thinking and feeling about the situation. Can you help me out by taking a short confidential survey that will give Valley leaders an idea of where everyone stands? You can find the survey in our Valley Facebook Group here.
Finally, after numerous conversations with church members and much prayer, the Elders have officially requested an exit from our lease of the Electric Bean. Our next step is to form a Saturday night service relaunch team that will continue to seek God's desires and intent for Valley on Saturday nights. I cannot wait to see where God leads us and how he continues to use his people to reach this community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
If you have thoughts or questions about any of this you can email me directly, as always I would love to connect with you.
Loving People Toward Jesus,
Pastor Mike
Valley Reading Plan
April 27, Numbers 31-32 and John 16
April 28, Numbers 33-34 and John 17
April 29, Numbers 35 and John 18
April 30, Numbers 36 & Deuteronomy 1 and John 19
May 1, Deuteronomy 2-3 and John 20