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Monday Memo May 11, 2020


Hey Valley!

Happy Monday to you all! Can I ask you a question...? How are you doing? Seriously, how are you holding up?

This was our 9th weekend not physically gathering and while some things have become routine, nothing can substitute the actual gathering of God's people and the encouragement we draw from one another. So I would love to know, "How are you doing?" You can send a short or long response, and when they come through I will be taking time to pray for each of them so if you have a prayer request, feel free to include it. Simply click "Lets Chat"on this page.

Speaking of prayer, this weekend we will wrap of "The Fight of my Life" series by looking at how prayer is warfare. I hope you tune in and I also encourage you to check out this past weekend's message on the Sword of the Spirit. You can find it here (oh, and look for the place where Jessica shows off my G.I.Joe sword).

In the message, I mentioned a weekly memory strategy for Scripture. That will be included below with the Bible reading strategy from here on out. This week's passage is Psalm 1:1-2!

Also, we have had a few people call/text about when Valley is going to resume physical gatherings. Our Elders have been praying, doing research, and building a plan for when and how we gather again. As we have worked on this, we have done our best to weight all the different values and needs that exist, and while things may still change, we have a heading.

Our hope is to gather together again at the earliest date possible and this document does not just explain the phases, but it explains the thinking behind it. Thank you to those who filled out our survey, that was a helpful tool in making this plan. You can access the document here.

Loving People Toward Jesus,

Pastor Mike

Valley Reading Plan

May 11 Deuteronomy 13-14, Acts 5

May 12 Deuteronomy 15-16, Acts 6

May 13 Deuteronomy 17-18, Acts 7

May 14 Deuteronomy 19-20, Acts 8

May 15 Deuteronomy 21, Acts 9

Bible Memory Passage

Psalm 1:1–2

[1] Blessed is the man

who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,

nor stands in the way of sinners,

nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

[2] but his delight is in the law of the LORD,

and on his law he meditates day and night. (ESV)

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