We held an outdoor service last Sunday morning with 58 people total in attendance.

8 AM - Tech and worship teams show up to start setting up for the 11 AM service. Cameras, cables, mixing boards, monitors, extension cables, wireless routers, and tables were moved from the sanctuary to the parking lot.
The teams wheeled over the trailer and set up their instruments. To be good neighbors we decided to move our system to the outer parking lot but pointed the system back at our building.
10:30 AM - The parking lot was buzzing with life was the people started showing up. Those who wanted to sit had to bring their own chairs and sat closest to the stage. They unloaded their cars and parked in the parking lot facing 30th Ave.
Those who wanted to sit in their cars parked in an area designated for cars just behind the outdoor seating area. If they desired they could tune to a live broadcast of the service through their FM radios.
It was at this time we emailed lyrics for those attending so that people could download them onto their tablets and devices to sing along. If you did not receive the email, we used the same email list of Mike's Monday Memo. You may need to check your spam folder or email the office to be added to the list.
11 AM - Services were underway. We were live and in person. It was a beautiful reunion for people. As the connected with church family they hadn't seen in months. At the same time, we were continuing to live stream on Facebook because we were aware that there were those who were not able to make it.
So the question is will we continue to do this? The short answer is yes as long as the weather permits. If the weather doesn't hold we will step back to a Facebook live stream.