Dear Valley,
Now that our country is emerging from COVID-19, our church community can move toward gathering again in ways that comply with our state regulations. This will likely look different week to week; but for this coming weekend, we are going to gather at 6 pm Saturday and 11 am Sunday at the Pacific Way campus. We will also live-streamed these services on Facebook along with a 9 am Spanish service.
These gatherings will require social distancing and a limit of 50 people per service. While this will not represent our entire church family, it does mean that 100 people will have the opportunity to gather and everyone else will still be able to live-stream the service.
Our services will have sanitation stations, our facilities will be cleaned, and there will be personal protective equipment available as mandated in state gathering guidelines. Our greeters will be present to welcome you with a smile and help if you need anything but will practice physical distancing for now. Our full COVID-19 Exposure Plan can be found here.
Additionally, we are asking each person who is considering attending to be wise and considerate of others by:
Staying home if you or your household members have any COVID-19 symptoms.
Taking your temperature before coming and staying home if anyone in your home has a temperature of 100.4°F
Finally, if you plan on participating in a service this weekend, we are asking you to pre-register by following the links below so we can abide by the 50-person limit. While this is on a first-come basis, in the coming weeks there will be more opportunities to worship together.
I look forward to seeing you soon and am available to answer any questions you may have.
Loving people toward Jesus
Pastor Mike